
Recovery and healing primarily occur from the inside. These processes can happen in many ways; the best prerequisite is probably to realise that pain and hurt do not need to remain indefinitely and that in fact improvement is always possible.


My primary duty is to stimulate and promote your recovery process, even when the problems seem insurmountable. An open mind to my work can only support regeneration.


Motives and intentions of my work can also be expressed in a few words. The following verses are from different times and cultures:


Personal greatness is best reflected in the little activities of everyday life.



Decide for truthfulness, simplicity, health, compassion, light.

Altai, Central Asia


The source of all great movement lies within silence.

Lao Tse


As you learn to see yourself without seeking to change yourself, then your character will experience a change.

Jiddu Krishnamurti


We were born to make manifest the eternal light that is within us.

As we let our own light shine,

we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.

As we are relieved from our own fear,

our presence relieves also others.

Nelson Mandela


We are not human beings gaining spiritual experiences;

We are spiritual beings gaining human experiences.

Andean Mountains, South America


Truth is a trackless land. No guru, no rule, no tradition will lead you there, only your steady, intelligent awareness.

Jiddu Krishnamurti


In the silence of your heart lies an order that leads you the way.

Paul Coelho


In deep silence lies the moment of insight; this is the moment of true healing.

Hugh Milne


If the mind comes to rest, it will begin to shine.



At the end of your life, what matters most is:

How well did you live;

How much did you love;

How much did you learn to let go.

East Asia





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8400 Winterthur

Tel. +41 (0)79 223 81 14